Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That Was Trippy

So there I am at some lake on an island with very jungle like terrain and I am with with some friends of mine, who I could not recognize. All of a sudden we are no longer on the island but on a nice boat relaxing, drinking some beer, and enjoying a sunny afternoon in the sun. We eventually beach the boat, probably a bad idea, and go up on shore. All of a sudden a few of the crew gets killed, shot by arrows. Honestly who really uses arrows anymore? Its 2010! Anyways we then notice that there are what appear to be Natives approaching us on small wooden boats. With no other options myself and two of the people I was with, who have now changed their identity, scamper up the overgrown side of a mountain on the island to lay low and watch the natives actions. Soon enough, while remaining concealed, we suddenly have huge guns I'm assuming to protect ourselves and we make our way to a cliche rope and wood bridge, like something you would see out of Indiana Jones, over a large valley. As it happens in most dreams, the completely unexplainable happens and I am all of a sudden driving a huge convertible monster truck with a midget down some highway. Of course the dream couldn't end with some nice attractive young lady, but instead we end up crashing the monster truck and end up dying. Now what does this detailed dream that strangely remains so vague in my memory tell me?.......I should probably lay off the 'tree' right before bed.

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