Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the Digital Age....

It seems as though our world is evolving almost like a video game. Only 60 or some odd years ago the entertainment people took part in was so much simpler. Every aspect of our lives has grown and changed with the developing technology. Video games have gone from pong to motion censored controllers, television has gone from a few black and white channels to hundreds of high definition channels, not to mention the recent 3-D craze. But as with visual media, auditory media is also changing. When rap first hit the masses people were appalled at it, disassociating it with any title close to "music". Time went on and hip hop became one of the leading genres of music for pop culture. Well times are changing again. Rap and rock are out, electronic is in. If you haven't noticed it yet it is probably because you, A. don't like it and therefore choose to ignore it or B. are at an age where new things like this don't have an impact on your generation. But electronic music is everywhere, it is even taking over the music for pop videos. Almost every pop song that comes on MTV or VH1 has an electronic beat with the lyrics, and while it may not be the same as heavy hitting house, dubstep or other electronic genre's the roots are there. Personally the craze hit me a few years into high school and I haven't looked back. A lot of people say that it isn't music its just a bunch of error messages put together, and while the artists may not pluck strings or beat platforms, the rythm and tempo are still there. Artists have found a way to please listeners with technology!

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