Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It must have been around 6th or 7th grade for me, when I started having my parents drop me off at the mall with my friends to see a movie and eat dinner. It was always the cool thing to do with all the cute girls in our grade, and it seemed so normal to have my parents drop me off with a specific time to be picked up. The reason there was a specific time was because I was living in a world without a cellphone. In today's age I feel completely naked without my phone, and whenever I destroy or lose one communication with the rest of the world seems impossible even with the use of social networks. The thing that baffles me is how my parents did it when they were my age. So often when caravanning with a couple of cars somewhere and one gets stuck at a light, or as happens all the time when plans change on a whim; how were they able to communicate to each other? Did they have to go home and check their answering machines or did they not have those either? We as a society rely so heavily on the use of these mobile phones, that if all the cell phones all of a sudden stopped working, I couldn't even imagine the chaos that would ensue. Its so strange to me to see children in 1st and 2nd grade constantly texting on their phones that are nicer than mine. If this is how communication has developed in the past 20 years, what is going to happen in the next 40? Are our phones and contact lists just going to be stored in our heads? Imagine if you could call someone through your head, everyone would be walking around like they are talking to themselves.

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